CBAR, along with the McAdams campus, is located at:
2821 E 24th St N
Wichita, KS 67219
The Center for Behavioral and Academic Research (CBAR) is a working research center started with the purpose of finding successful teaching methods for youths whose behavior affects their social and academic life. Many of these youths do not fit the traditional student profile; they are usually at-risk youths who have an unstable home environment, have learning and emotional disabilities, and participate in unhealthy social activities.
Nationwide, insubordination continues to be the leading cause of school expulsions. Research suggests that 30% of students expelled from school end up in the judicial system. There is a place for punitive consequences for youths who break school rules, but CBAR believes that, especially with developing youths, disciplinary measures should be well thought out and part of a comprehensive discipline plan. Therefore, CBAR collaborates with governmental and community-based agencies to fulfill its mission of developing programs and teaching those who work with noncompliant youths in an academic setting.